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A fine example of the Ethiopian profile, grown by local farmers using a unique wine process: raspberry sweetness & a cream finish.

Regular price £14.75
Regular price Sale price £14.75
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We taste raspberry, lemon zest and cream.


Recommended for espresso and filter.


We recommend resting our coffee inside its sealed bag for a minimum of 21 days to enjoy the best results.

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Dedicated local farmers.

This Heirloom microlot was cultivated by 150 local smallholder farmers at the Guji Kercha station in Banko Michicha, Ethiopia. The local smallholders cultivate varietals at altitudes between 1900 and 2000 masl. The Guji zone, part of Ethiopia's Oromia Region, bears the name of the Oromo tribe.

This coffee underwent an innovative wine process, using fully sealed, oxygen-deprived fermentation tanks.

This unique process revealed a raspberry sweetness and a smooth, cream finish.

The Producer

This coffee underwent an innovative wine process, using fully sealed, oxygen-deprived fermentation tanks. First, cherries are collected and sorted to remove underripe, overripe, and green cherries.

Select ripe cherries are measured for mucilage sugar content with a Brix meter. The fully ripe cherries are then placed in stainless steel tanks, which are tightly sealed and equipped with an air exhaust valve and temperature gauge.

The cherries ferment for several days, during which pressure allows the flavours of the mucilage into the coffee beans. When fermentation is complete, the red cherries turn yellow. The coffee is then carefully removed from the tank and dried on African drying beds for 15-18 days.

  • Production Data

    Produced by Michicha farmers
    Region - Kercha, Guji
    Grown at 1900 - 2000 masl
    Varietal - Heirloom
    Harvest - November 2023
    Process - Anaerobic Natural

  • Anaerobic Natural

    Whole cherries are placed inside grain pro bags or containers and all oxygen is expelled.

    They’re then left to ferment for a desired amount of time at a certain temperature, depending on the producers unique protocol.

    Once the specific fermentation has been reached the coffee follows a natural process procedure, the increased control over fermentation leads to a bright clean cup profile.

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