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Casa de Piedra

Casa de Piedra

Introducing our first Venecia varietal from Gerardo and Jennifer Arais: Indulgent with prominent lime acidity.

Regular price £15.25
Regular price Sale price £15.25
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We taste lime acidity and a moreish nature


Recommended for espresso and filter.


We recommend resting our coffee inside its sealed bag for a minimum of 21 days to enjoy the best results.

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30 years of experience.

This lot was cultivated by Gerardo and Jennifer Arias, a father and daughter team, on one of their two farms named Finca Casa de Piedra. The family founded Cafe Directo in 2013 in Costa Rica and have over 30 years of experience with specialty micro-lots.

This natural is a Venecia varietal and we are pleased to showcase the Arias families rich rendition as our first. The Venecia resembles a small Caturra and ripens later in the harvest period giving it high brix content, leading to an abundance in taste.

We were drawn to this lot for its pronounced lime acidity and smooth, moreish texture.

The Producer

Finca Casa de Piedra is one of the two farms operated by Cafe Directo, a family business founded in 2013 by father and daughter, Gerardo and Jennifer Arias. The founders have over 30 years experience in the production and processing of speciality micro lots.

The farm has unique conditions including its microclimate, soil type and elevation of 1800 masl. This lot is a Venecia varietal, a natural mutation of the Bourbon created by ICAFE Costa Rica. The crop looks like a small Caturra and takes a long period to fully ripen, which gives the cherries high brix content making them rich in taste.

This lot was naturally processed on a patio and raised beds. First, the cherries are hand harvested, only the ripest are collected. The harvest is then separated by flotation, to bring forth the highest quality cherries based on density. Coffee is then placed on raised beds to dry for an average of 30 days.

  • Production Data

    Produced by Gerardo & Jennifer Arias
    Region - Tarrazu
    Grown at 1500 - 1800
    Varietal - Venecia
    Harvest - March 2023
    Process - Natural

  • Natural

    Ripe cherries are dried whole commonly on patio’s, drying beds or even the bare earth allowing the bean to ferment naturally encased by its fruit.

    The cherries are turned regularly to reduce the risk of defects and ensure even drying.

    Once the cherries resemble raisins and the target parameters are met the coffee is hulled and sorted in the dry mill.

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